The sick, the poor, disabled, and the elderly, etc. within the target populations
are at risk. There is no welfare, health, Medicaid, or Medicare programs
supported by the Kenyan government. The only available basic health insurance
covers only 80 per cent for in-patient services and zero for out-patient services.
Thus, families and individual must take care of their respective health issues.
VFBF assists these populations with prescription and medical bills, off-the-
counter pain-killer pills, prescriptions, x-rays, outpatient treatment, check-ups for
the elderly, and so on. A minimal support of $50 and above would always
somewhere within the list of needs. At least one per cent of the program
beneficiaries have daily needs for medical and health services. Tropical diseases
such as Asthma, Diabetes, Diarrhea, Flu, Blood Pressure (BP), Malaria,
Malnutrition, Tuberculosis, Whoop-cough, etc. are chronic in target areas.
Vaccinations are rare except for sudden contagious break-outs. The annual
budget for this line item at the current level of operation is $7,800.
As a potential supporter, you can identify the category of the group you wish to
assist on a monthly or annual basis. A $650 monthly funding would at a
minimum, meet the applicable needs.